Contrary to popular belief, bread isn’t the right option when it comes to feeding wild birds. In fact, bread doesn’t have the right protein or fat that birds need in their diet. Large quantities of bread can be harmful to birds, mainly because the nutritional value is so low.

This blog post will aim to inform any avid nature lover who is concerned about how you can feed Britain’s populations of wild birds.

Can You Feed Wild Birds?

Many people encourage wild birds into their garden by placing different types of food around; however, you want to make sure you are feeding them the right kind of food. The wrong food can cause damage to your local wild birds. You can feed wild birds, but make sure you are filling their bellies with healthy food.

What to Feed Britain’s Wild Birds

When it comes to your feathered friends, make sure you feed them nutritious and delicious wild bird food.

Nyjer Seeds

Nyjer Seed is a preferred food option for finches, and they are packed full of nutritional goodness and essential oils. Energetic birds tend to prefer this food option as it is full of much-need nutrition, as mentioned.


Oats are a tasty treat for wild birds and are typically a kitchen staple piece, which means they are easy to obtain. Do not put a large amount of oats out at once, as this treat is better in small increments.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower hearts, kernels and seeds are a fantastic bird food option. Sunflower seeds are full of nutritional goodness and are suitable for a wide range of garden birds, including blue tits, robins and blackbirds.

What You Shouldn’t Do When Feeding Wild Birds

When feeding wild birds, make sure you stay away from anything that can hurt them. For example, don’t feed anything that can become a choking hazard and do not feed birds dried bread or spoiled food.


At West Somerset Garden Centre, we only stock a variety of wild bird food, which is good for wild birds. If you feed your local wild birds, ensure that what you are feeding them is healthy and nutritious.