With the warmer weather approaching fast, you might be wondering how you can get the kids away from technology and into the garden. While a healthy balance of both is wonderful, you might find it hard to get your children excited about gardening. Luckily, we are on hand to provide you with some tips on how you can develop your children’s interest in gardening.


To get your children excited about gardening, involve them in the process from the start. Decide what to plant or create in the garden together. Encourage them to pick out the flowers or plants they want to have in their garden, and talk them through the process of gardening.

Build up their excitement by picking out pots, decorative garden fixtures, and seeds together. You will find that they are excited when they can help make certain decisions.


You can also encourage your children to help in the garden by buying them their own selection of gardening tools to use. You can get a series of child-safe garden tools, gloves, and plant pots. They can pick out their favourite colours, which will make them enthusiastic about gardening.

Mini Garden

Allocate a space in your garden that belongs entirely to your child. Inform them that that piece of land belongs to them, and they can plant any flower or seed they choose. Your child will feel like they have something that is entirely theirs, and they will feel responsible for that piece of land. They can see their flowers or plants grow, and it will fill them with pride and happiness.


Sometimes, having the responsibility of caring for a garden can make children feel empowered and excited. They have something to take care of, to water and watch grow. All this hard work in the garden will show, and they will feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Family Activity

Turn gardening into a fun event for the whole family, by turning it into a family activity. Water plants together, talk about different plants, and overall, just make time to spend together.


Every gardener needs the right gardening essentials on hand to care for their garden, which is why you can browse through our collection of tools, plant feeds, and more. If you need any additional assistance regarding the products or services at West Somerset Garden Centre, you can contact us today.