Did you know that composting at home is better for the environment? You don’t need to be an expert gardener to start your compost heap. All you need to start a compost is some space in your garden and a bit of know-how.

This informative article will share what composting is, how to get started and some benefits of composting.

What Is Composting?

Gardeners have used compost for centuries, as the process consists of turning vegetable matter into compost to fertilise your garden. This natural process consists of recycling organic matter in the comfort of your garden.

How to Start Composting?

Composting is typically free and easy to make, which is why if you have the garden space, we encourage you to start your own. You should start your compost pile on bare earth to allow certain organisms to aerate the compost. Your compost heap should start with twigs, as this will help with water drainage.

Once you have laid some twigs, you can add the compost material in layers. For example, start with a layer of ingredients such as food scraps and then move to a dry layer of leaves and straws.

Top Composting Tips

Ensure you are keeping your compost pile moist; however, the rain typically does this for you. You can cover your compost heap with items such as wood to assist in moisture retention. Another interesting tip is that you have to turn your compost every few weeks. This means you have to turn the compost using a shovel or fork or other garden tools, which helps with the amount of oxygen your compost pile gets.

Once your compost pile has been established, you can add new items into it, such as vegetable scraps from your kitchen.

Benefits of Composting

There are many benefits of starting a compost heap in your garden, other than maximising space in your bin. Since you will be composting waste such as vegetables, you will not be throwing them in your household bin, saving you space for other items you cannot recycle. One benefit of composting is that you save money on buying your compost as you produce your own in your garden.

Composting also helps plant growth and can even prevent some plant diseases, which could be detrimental to your plant. Another benefit of composting is that it improves the amount of organic matter and nutrients, which help improve poor soil.