When the sun is shining, many of us will go into our gardens to enjoy the sun while we have it. Unfortunately, not everyone has a large garden to enjoy. If you have a small garden, you might find that you’ve enjoyed it and just used it as storage, but you can transform it into a space you enjoy.

When you have a small garden, you have to be creative with your layout, features and design. Luckily, we are here to offer some creative gardening suggestions that can help you make the most out of your small garden space.

Vertical Planting

When you have a small garden, you do not have to sacrifice planting fruits, flowers or vegetables; instead, you can try vertical planting. Vertical planting is a great way to make the most out of your small garden, as you encourage plants to grow vertically to decorate your walls rather than horizontally. This process allows you to make the most of your floor space while still growing plants you enjoy.

There are many ways to create a vertical garden, such as building a frame to place your plants or using containers to display different plants. You can also be creative by using an old ladder to create shelving for your plants or by attaching plant pots to your wall.

Attracting Wildlife

Small gardens tend to be less active than larger gardens. One way to make the most out of your small garden and bring some movement into your garden is by attracting certain wildlife. You can attract some birds and animals by incorporating wild bird feeders, wild bird care such as different types of food and other features for wildlife such as bees, butterflies and hedgehogs.

You will be waking up your garden while helping local wildlife when you incorporate features to feed them.

Planter Boxes and Hanging Baskets

Another way to make the most out of your small garden is by having planter boxes by your windows or hanging baskets to display your flowers. This process always frees up floor space in a similar way that vertical planting will.

Garden Ornaments

Garden ornaments are also a creative and fun way to make the most out of your garden while creating a cheerful atmosphere. Wind chimes, for example, can bring a calming touch to your garden while creating a whimsical tune.

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